ELLIE the Appalachian Trail Dog
The Appalachian Trail Adventure

Pam & Ellie - May 2008

Starting in September of 2008, Pam Flowers and her dog, Ellie, are thru-hiking the 2175 mile Appalachian Trail, taking approximately six to eight months to complete their trek. They started in Maine and are hiking south to Georgia. Thru-hiking means that the hiker walks the entire length of the trail.

The most fun thing about this trek is that Ellie has her own walking club known as Ellie’s Walking Club. The club is free and anyone can join. Members of Ellie’s Walking Club will pledge to try to walk a distance of their choice each week while Pam and Ellie are on the Appalachian Trail.

During the hike, schools are encouraged to participate in Ellie’s Walking Club, where students walk at school and try to cumulatively walk a number of miles equal to or greater then the miles Pam and Ellie will hike during the school year.

During much of the hike, Pam and Ellie will be hiking during winter months, which poses some problems such as water sources may be frozen, they will encounter freezing rain, snow may obscure the trail and make it difficult to find, and most facilities along the route will be closed. While these problems may slow them down, they will be met and overcome.

While on the trail, Pam will carry a backpack with her tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, cook pot, stove, fuel, food, clothing, journal, personal items, camera and one small book. Ellie will carry a pack with her food, bowl, toenail clippers, and vaccination certificates.

They’ll hike an average of six days a week and camp each night along the trail. There are many camping areas along the route where hikers can find shelter, meet other hikers, and hopefully find a source of drinking water. The water will always need to be filtered to insure it is clean.

When they head into a town for supplies, they will likely rent a room so Pam can get a shower, sort supplies, and send an email update for her website.

Upon completion of their journey, Pam and Ellie will head home for a rest but will be visiting schools during the following academic year.





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